
Who Benefits from a Revitalized Downtown?

Local Residents/Consumers

  • enhanced marketplace (better shopping and the benefits of shopping locally)
  • sense of pride in downtown
  • social/cultural activities
  • opportunities to keep children in town
  • sense of hometown community
  • historical awareness (preservation of architecture and human history)
  • tax dollars stay in the community
  • opportunity to participate/volunteer
  • better communication
  • political advocate
  • home values increase

Property Owners
  • increased occupancy rates
  • rent stability
  • increased property values


Why is Main Street Important?

Can malls and discount centers take the place of traditional commercial districts? The answer is a resounding "no." It may no longer be the sole option in the community, but the commercial district is much more than a shopping center. Here are some reasons why Main Street is still important:

Commercial districts are prominent employment centers. Even the smallest commercial district employs hundreds of people, and often the district is collectively the community's largest employer.

The commercial district is a reflection of community image, pride, prosperity, and level of investment — critical factors in business retention and recruitment efforts.

Main Street represents a significant portion of the community's tax base. If the district declines, property values drop, placing more of a tax burden on other parts of town.

The traditional commercial district is an ideal location for independent businesses, which in turn: