Make a Difference

Have you noticed?

Things are happening in Downtown Wilmington, Ohio!  There is one group mainly responsible… Main Street Wilmington.

We work hard to improve our community, our culture, and our quality of life.

Did you know these things are considered when potential new businesses are looking to locate here?  Recently, a visitor stated he looked at the downtown to get a “pulse on the community.”

What Main Street Wilmington does is important NOW and for our city’s FUTURE!

Would you like to join us in making a difference in our community and potentially help attract jobs to our area?

Here’s how…

  • By Planning - Be part of the Main Street organization that’s at the forefront in brain-storming and developing various undertakings downtown
  • By Volunteering - Experience immediate gratification with hands-on activities from gardening to hosting Third Fridays concerts
  • By Investing Financially - 100% goes directly toward community projects and events
(Our staff and operations are supported by the City of Wilmington.)
Thank you for caring enough to make a difference! 



Steve Brown
Executive Director
Main Street Wilmington

What are you waiting for?  Donate online now!