
Why Should YOU Buy Local?

1.     Shopping local creates jobs. Shops in your town create local employment and self-employment. These people in turn spend in the local economy.
2.     Local independent shops invest more in your communities. Local businesses are proportionally more generous in their support of local charities, schools, and community events. So supporting local shops means a financial contribution to your community.
3.     Local shops sell great products at affordable prices. Some people get out of the habit of shopping locally and are then surprised by the range of products available.
4.     Shopping locally saves you time and money. You travel less, saving on time and fuel.
5.     Shopping locally retains your communities. People don’t like losing shops and services in small towns but don’t equate this with how they spend their money.
6.     Shopping locally retains your distinctiveness. Independent shops create distinctive shopping experiences and stock different products. Local businesses respond more quickly to the needs of local customers, stocking products to meet changing population needs.
7.     Shopping locally saves the environment. Local shops often stock a high percentage of locally sourced goods that do not require long-distance transportation, helping to reduce our global footprint.
8.     Local shops are for everyone. Most people can get to their local shops easily. This is especially important for the elderly, young people and others who rely on public transportation.


Armada Coin Company

Downtown's newest business!  Stop in and say hi to owner, Jarrod Atkins! website facebook


Proposed Signage for City

Public Comment sought on downtown and state route shield sign concept designs. Please e-mail comments HERE.

Signs in full page view HERE


Rembert Named Chamber Director

Mark Rembert is also Main Street's Organization Chair!  We look forward to a great partnership with The Chamber! Click on Mark's pic for an article from the Wilmington News Journal.

Scotty's Barbershop

NOW OPEN in Downtown Wilmington!!!! Scotty Cumberland specializes in Afro, Fade, Razor and Line-Ups. Stop in, talk some basketball, and see what Scotty can do with that head of yours! Tue - Sat, 8 -5, 35 E. Main St. (937) 366-1190.