
Volunteers Recognized

The Downtown Wilmington Community Improvement Corporation (DWCIC) gathered Friday morning for their first quarterly meeting of the new year with reports on 2010 accomplishments being shared by committee chairs.  Facilitated by Chairwoman Leilani Popp, a major focus of the meeting was special recognition of volunteer service in 2010 to DWCIC and its Main Street Wilmington program.  Without volunteer support these organizations would not be successful.

Executive director Steve Brown reported that 135 volunteers contributed over 1500 hours of service in 2010.  Among those named were the volunteer DWCIC Board, DWCIC Chair Leilani Popp, Vice-Chair Debbie Stamper, Treasurer Pat Thompson and Secretary Sandy Mongold.

Committee chairs Christine Krisa, Design, Chris Schock, 2010 Organization, Mark Rembert, 2011 Organization, Eric Wogomon, 2010  Promotion, Jennifer Purkey, 2011 Promotion and Debbie Stamper, Economic Restructuring, were thanked for their service to the Main Street Organization.   

Specially recognized volunteers included Jon Branstrator who donated 30+ pumpkins for downtown fall decorations, Josh Newkirk, owner of 3D Auto Sports, and Manager Steve King, who donated "spray paint fees" for painting the bicycle at the entrance of the bike trail, more than 40 Wilmington College students who worked on 'clean-up' day weeding and sweeping, Susan Hunt, Terri Thobaben & Christy Brown who volunteered many hours planting and decorating the downtown urns and Gerry Schultz, 2010 ER Committee who contributed to the  Welcome Packet and the Lunch and Learn series.

Others recognized included Gerry Krisa who installed the bicycle in the Warren Luther Peace Park, maintaining the gardens there and the downtown urns on weekends, Cindy Shivers and Leilani Popp who arranged entertainers and coordinated featured business for eleven brown bag lunches at the Murphy Theatre, the entertainers who volunteered their performances at the brown bag lunches, Sandy Mongold and Janine Sodini who coordinated the Holiday Open House, Gift Certificate Drawing and Window Wonderland and the donation of related trophies by Sandy and Danny Mongold.   

Additional recognition went to Dan and Marla Stewart for heading up the Halloween Bash, Terry and Pat Thompson who managed the beer tent, set-up and clean-up at three downtown festivals and festival workers Debbie and Randy Riley, Leilani Popp, Jan & Ed Blohm, Jim & Marilyn Rollwage, Dana Dunn, Jennifer Beal, Steve and Janette Conley, David and Mary Ann Raizk, Jenny Watson, Connie Townsend, Chris and Lori Schock, Jeff Linkous, Christy Brown, Paul and Cindy Shivers and Bob and Diana Kubitza.

Lastly, recognized were Kevin Ellis, Ellis Fence Company who installed the fencing at the Pocket Park, Jennifer Purkey, event chair for the Euchre Tourney and Yard Sale and who helped organize the Ladies Martini Tasting Evening, Italian Progressive Dinner, The Wilmington Wine Walk, Euchre Tournament, beer orders and other events and Christine Krisa who coordinated the Ladies Martini Tasting Evening, Italian Progressive Dinner and The Wilmington Wine Walk, spearheaded and coordinated efforts for the hanging flower program and maintenance, oversaw seasonal decorations downtown, festival work, HoliDazzle print media and co-chair, coordinated the cleaning of downtown and the replacement of DP&L poles, orchestrated the ordering and hanging of bicentennial flags, serves on the Tree Commission, the Garden Club and the Design Review Board.

The DWCIC board also recognized Steve Brown for all his work for Main Street.